Sleep Improvement Tips for Senior Citizens

Does your elderly loved one take a long time to fall asleep at night? Maybe, they can fall asleep quickly, but wake up soon after and can’t fall back asleep easily. There are many sleep issues that senior citizens often face. The most important thing to know is that if your elderly loved one isn’t…

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Why Consider In-home Diabetes Care?

Getting a diagnosis of diabetes can really throw your senior for a loop. There may be a great many changes she’s facing, but where should she start? Diabetes education is crucial, because it helps to separate the myths from the truth and enables your senior to make the right choices for her health. The good…

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Is There Anything Your Senior Can Do to Control Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure can be a precursor for other serious health issues, like heart disease. By doing what your senior can as soon as she’s diagnosed with high blood pressure, she’s reducing her risk of experiencing some of those other health concerns. Making even small changes in some key areas of her life can help…

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Diabetes Foot Care Tips for Your Elderly Loved One

If your elderly loved one has diabetes, there are certain health issues that you will need to look out for. For example, you or a senior home care provider will need to regularly check your elderly loved one’s feet. There are numerous foot health issues that can be caused by diabetes. With that being said,…

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How Can Elder Care Alleviate Your Senior’s Stress?

So many daily care tasks require a great deal of energy, which can even increase the time it takes for your senior to handle simple tasks she used to do quite quickly. All of this can add stress to your elderly family member’s life, and that can cause health issues. Bringing in elder care providers…

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How Can Senior Care Help Your Parent Remain in Their Home?

Seniors that are able to age in place by staying in their familiar homes as they get older have better overall health and better mental health than seniors who don’t. There are a lot of proven benefits to having seniors stay at home. But as the children of someone that is aging you’re probably worried…

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Three Ways for Home Health Care to Help After Eye Surgery

Your dad may need eye surgery if he suffers from cataracts, a retinal detachment, or other eye issues that occur with aging. If his eyelids are sagging and affecting his vision, he may need to have the skin on the eyelids pulled up in a surgical procedure. If he has to undergo eye surgery, talk…

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Risk Factors that May Lead to Colon Cancer

Colon cancer begins as pre-cancerous polyps develop in the colon or rectum. These polyps can be present in the colon for years before invasive cancer develops. They may not cause any symptoms, especially early on, which means your parent often won’t know if he has colon cancer until it’s spread. But fortunately, there are easy…

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Traumatic Brain Injuries: A Caregiver’s Guide

Home Health Care Arlington, VA: Brain Injuries

Brain Injury Awareness Month is recognized in March. So this is a good time to reflect on why brain injuries occur and how to manage them. Falls that involve hitting one’s head are the most common reason that older people develop traumatic brain injury. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there was a…

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