How Can You Help Your Senior Celebrate AC Appreciation Days?

Senior Care Fairfax, VA: AC Appreciation Days

From July 3rd through August 15th, you can celebrate AC Appreciation Days with your aging family member. With the temperatures creeping ever higher every summer, finding ways to keep your senior cool and comfortable may feel like it’s getting more difficult. Here are some ideas for celebrating summer and avoiding overheating at the same time.…

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Learn Why Hobbies Improve Health During National Hobby Month

National Hobby Month falls in January, as it’s the perfect time to engage in new activities or return to former interests. Did your mom use to love painting or drawing? Did your dad enjoy refinishing furniture he’d find for free on the side of the road? There’s no reason they couldn’t enjoy those favorite hobbies.…

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Five Ways Your Senior Can Boost Her Health

Everyone wants to be a little bit healthier, especially your aging family member. Here are some simple ways that she can start to improve her health in small increments that build on each other. Get Serious about Exercise It’s important for your senior to talk to her doctor about how much exercise is okay for…

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Should Your Elderly Loved One Have Social Media Accounts?

Social media is all the rage these days. There are billions of people who have social media accounts. Some people have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or other social media accounts. Others have a combination of all these accounts. You might think that only younger adults and children use social media. However, don’t you think that social…

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