Five Ways Your Senior Can Boost Her Health
Everyone wants to be a little bit healthier, especially your aging family member. Here are some simple ways that she can start to improve her health in small increments that build on each other.
Get Serious about Exercise

Home Care Assistance Fairfax, VA: Boosting Your Senior’s Health
It’s important for your senior to talk to her doctor about how much exercise is okay for her, but she should already be considering adding more movement to every day. Whether she’s walking, swimming, or doing tai chi, that additional movement in her day is going to help her immensely. She’ll notice better sleep, better energy levels, and even better moods.
Drink Some More Water
Water is always important for good health and odds are good that your elderly family member is not getting quite enough each day. Avoiding dehydration helps your senior to have more energy, keeps her brain healthy, and can help her to avoid health issues like urinary tract infections. If water isn’t your senior’s favorite, look for ways to add foods to her diet that are high in water content.
Prioritize Protein
One mistake that seniors often make is that they’re not eating enough protein. It can be difficult to balance nutritional needs, especially if your elderly family member isn’t wild about cooking or her appetite has changed immensely. Finding ways for your senior to get the optimal levels of protein each day might be easier with guidelines from her doctor.
Look at Sleep Habits
How well is your senior sleeping? If she’s not getting enough sleep or her sleep quality is not great, that affects her health and well-being all day long. Look at things like caffeine intake and the comfort of her room at night. Making some small changes can have some big results for your senior’s sleep quality.
Consider Some Extra Help
You might not think that hiring home care assistance has much to do with improving your senior’s health, but it truly does. Having help from elder care providers ensures that your senior is able to save up her energy for the things that truly matter instead of spending it on activities that are too difficult. Home care assistance can take over mundane tasks like housework, cooking, and more that your senior just doesn’t have the energy to manage.
Talk to your senior’s doctor about what else she needs to do to improve her health. Keeping chronic health issues under control as much as possible improves your senior’s overall well-being.