Foods That Can Help Your Senior Fall Asleep

Foods for Sleep: Home Care Annandale VA
As they age, many seniors develop sleep issues. For some, simply falling asleep is a challenge. Your senior may be interested to learn that there are some foods that can help them fall asleep faster. Seniors can also take steps to get more comfortable before bed. With the help of a home care provider, your senior can enjoy a warm bath, a book by the fire to relax, or even eat foods that will help put them into sleeping mode.
Everyone knows that they are full of potassium, but does your senior know that bananas also can help seniors with sleep issues? The belief is that, in addition to helping those with restless legs or muscle cramps, bananas promote good circulation and proper digestion. Sweet potatoes, another high-potassium food, may also be helpful here.
Salmon, Tuna, and other fish may sound like a strange bedtime snack, but the fact is the Omega-3 fatty acids found in many fish may in fact not only help your senior relax but to be able to enjoy overall reduced stress. In addition, the B6 vitamin found in some fish can also help the body to produce melatonin, a natural sleep aid.
Tart Cherries
Whether dried or in juice form, cherries (the tart ones) are full of melatonin which is a natural sleep aid. Whereas alcohol and other “medicinal” treatments have their drawbacks because of both the very real risk of dependency and the potential for actually interfering with the quality and quantity of sleep, cherry juice is believed to be a risk-free aid.
Almonds, especially, have a blend of magnesium and protein that can both help your senior relax and maintain a stable blood sugar level. Walnuts, on the other hand contain the same tryptophan as turkey as well as serving as a melatonin source.
Chickpeas, Edamame, and other high protein sources can help your senior get a good night’s sleep. Chickpeas have vitamin B6 and edamame has natural estrogen-type compounds that can help your senior’s sleep as well.
Whole grain breads, jasmine rice, and whole grain cereals can help fill your senior’s tummy up with an increase in tryptophan to the brain. Pair them with protein (i.e. peanut butter) or dairy (i.e. milk) to add to the sleepiness factor. A bowl of oatmeal can behave similarly.
Dairy Products
Milk, cheese, and yogurt also contain tryptophan but additionally provide calcium which can help reduce stress and allow your senior to relax.
Hot Tea
A cup of decaffeinated hot tea can be just what the doctor ordered for your senior to be able to catch a good night’s rest. A chamomile or green tea can help act as a mild sedative, allowing your senior to relax.
Whichever of these sleep-promoting foods your senior wants to try, encourage them to talk with their health care provider first. Once they have determined that their sleeplessness is not tied to a medical condition or side effect of medication, a home care provider can help prepare these foods and help your senior get ready for bed each night. Consider the many benefits of home care for promoting overall well-being for your parent.