Home Care Assistance Advice on Nutrients Your Senior Might Be Missing

Senior Nutrition: Home Care Assistance Annandale VA
When your senior chooses to age in place, they may start eating more prepackaged foods, especially if they don’t have home care assistance set up. This means that your senior is at risk of missing essential nutrients for your loved one to live a healthy life. Here is what your loved one may be missing in nutrients and how you can help your loved one add it back into their diet. If they have home care assistance, these tips will help them care for your senior loved one.
Seniors Can Lack Water
Although many people don’t think of this as nutrients, your body needs water to survive. Many seniors don’t drink enough water because it isn’t something they think of, or they can’t hold cups as easily as they used to. Sometimes, they just forget to drink water, which is one of the dangers of aging in place. Your loved one may need home care assistance to remind them to drink more water.
These caregivers can pay attention to how many glasses a senior drinks and ensure that your loved one always has water they can easily access. This will help ensure that your senior is absorbing other nutrients and not becoming dehydrated throughout the day.
They May Be Missing Calcium
Your loved one will often need to eat dairy products to get enough calcium. A calcium deficiency in a senior occurs when their body doesn’t receive enough calcium, which can lead to various health issues. Common symptoms can include fragile bones (osteoporosis), muscle weakness, increased risk of fractures, and potentially, over time, a reduction in overall bone density. Your senior should be focused on eating enough dairy and other products high in calcium.
A Senior May Not Be Getting Enough Fiber
If your loved one is suffering from constipation or diarrhea, it could be due to the lack of fiber in their diet. A lack of dietary fiber can contribute to feelings of fullness and may lead to overeating or weight management issues. When your senior is struggling with constipation, they may turn to medication to get relief, but too much medication can also be bad for a senior, so they must take a look at their diet first and foremost. They should be eating tons of dark leafy greens, filled with tons of fiber and other vitamins crucial to maintain optimal health.
They May Need More Potassium
Most people think the only way to get potassium is through bananas, but the truth is there are more ways to get it than just the delicious fruit. Kale and spinach have tons of potassium that are great to add in meals if you’re looking for a way to get more fiber in your loved one’s diet. Signs of a potassium deficiency in seniors can include muscle weakness or cramps, fatigue, and irregular heart rhythms. Severe potassium deficiencies can lead to more serious symptoms such as muscle paralysis and cardiac arrhythmias, particularly concerning older individuals with heart or muscle-related health issues.