Home Health Care Providers Can Help People Who Have Parkinson’s Disease

Does your elderly loved one suffer from Parkinson’s disease? If so, you probably already know that there isn’t a cure for this disease. With that being said, whether your elderly loved one is in the early or late stages of this disease, they are likely going to need help managing their care. The good news is there are home health care providers who can assist them. In fact, there are many ways that home health care providers can help with your elderly loved one’s condition.  

Helping with Medications

Home Health Care Alexandria, VA: Parkinson’s Disease

People who have Parkinson’s disease are usually on a lot of medications. This is especially true as the disease progresses. With this being said, it is important that your elderly loved one is taking all the medications that they are prescribed. Since they aren’t going to be able to take these all on their own, they need someone to help. Home health care providers can assist with medication management for Parkinson’s disease patients.  

Therapy Services 

With Parkinson’s disease, the patient is going to lose mobility. They are going to have trouble walking, standing, and moving around. However, there are ways to help keep your elderly loved one a bit more mobile for longer. The best way to do this is through physical and occupational therapy. In addition, Parkinson’s disease will affect your elderly loved one’s speech at some point. There are speech therapy services that home health care providers can offer, as well.  

Cognitive Exercises 

Home health care providers can also help your elderly loved one to keep their cognitive health intact for longer. Since Parkinson’s disease eventually takes over the entire body, including the brain, it is important to do everything possible to keep your loved one comfortable. With cognitive exercises, the home health care providers can improve your loved one’s memory, recall, recognition, focus, and more.  


When it comes to Parkinson’s disease, there isn’t a cure. There is no way to completely stop the disease at this point in time. If your elderly loved one has Parkinson’s disease, you will need to help them in any way that you can. One of the things you can do for them is to hire home health care providers. These providers are able to help with medications, offering therapy services, providing cognitive exercises, and much more. These are all things that your elderly loved one is going to need, especially as their disease progresses.  


If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Health Care in Alexandria, VA please contact the caring staff at Thrive Health Care Services today(703) 992-0484 

