How to Advocate for Your Elderly Loved One
It can be stressful being a family caregiver of an elderly loved one. A caregiver has many tasks to do every single day. For starters, they need to schedule appointments, organize activities, help manage their loved one’s money, clean house, and so much more. This can often lead to caregiver burnout. Are you a home care provider or a family member caring for an elderly loved one? If so, try these tips to help you be a better and more effective advocate for the elderly person in your life.
Better Communication

Home Care Falls Church, VA: Advocating for your Senior
Communication is one of the keys to being a successful advocate for your elderly loved one. This means that you need to effectively communicate with several people. This will include your elderly loved one, their medical team, attorneys, home care providers, and many other people. Sometimes, you might even need to have difficult conversations with these people. However, the key is to optimize every conservation. Just remember that respect goes a long way for everyone who is involved with caring for your elderly loved one.
Question Things
It is important to question things. This way you can learn everything you need to about your elderly loved one’s situation. You might even want to write down any questions or concerns that you have before taking your elderly loved one to their doctor’s appointments. In addition, if you aren’t clear on the response you get to any question, don’t feel shy. All you have to do is ask the doctor to clarify their answer. It might also beneficial to write down the answers that you get from the doctor. This will help you remember the conversation more clearly. In addition, you can share this information with your elderly loved one’s home care providers.
To be a successful health advocate there are times that you will need to be persistent. You need to understand that you won’t always get the answers you desire or end up with perfect results. However, you must keep trying to do what is in your elderly loved one’s best interest.
Pay Attention to Your Attitude
It is also important to pay attention to your attitude, no matter how hard things seem. It can be easy to let negative feelings creep into your mind when you start feeling overwhelmed. However, you should remind yourself that you can be the best advocate for your elderly loved one if you have more positive thoughts.
Being a health advocate for an elderly loved one can be the most rewarding job you will ever have in your life. However, it can be difficult at times, as well. Developing the skills listed here can help you in those hard times. Remember to stay positive and enjoy this time with your elderly loved one.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering home care in Falls Church, VA please contact the caring staff at Thrive Health Care Services today. (703) 992-0484