Should Your Elderly Loved One Have Social Media Accounts?
Social media is all the rage these days. There are billions of people who have social media accounts. Some people have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or other social media accounts. Others have a combination of all these accounts. You might think that only younger adults and children use social media. However, don’t you think that social media could be beneficial to your elderly loved one, as well? Keep reading here today to find out how your elderly loved one could benefit from having and using at least one social media account.
Building Their Connections

Elderly Care Manassas, VA: Social Media and Seniors
With so many elderly people stuck at home most of the time, they don’t get out to see people as often as they should. Many elderly people even start feeling lonely because they don’t see their friends and family members as much as they would like. While it isn’t quite the same, it is important to know that social media platforms can help your elderly loved one build their connections with friends and family members. If your elderly loved one can’t figure out how to use these platforms, you or an elderly care provider can help them.
Promotes Learning
It is important that elderly people keep learning new things. This will help to prevent memory loss. It will also keep their brain active so they can stay sharp, focus better, and improve their concentration throughout the day. With this being said, if your elderly loved one creates a social media account on different platforms, or even on just one social media platform, it will encourage them to learn. They will need to learn how to create an account, how to post pictures, and how to message people.
Nurturing Their Hobbies
In just about every social media platform, there is a way for your elderly loved one to nurture their hobbies. For instance, Facebook has all sorts of groups that people can join. These groups allow people to connect to others who enjoy the same things that they do. Other social media platforms have options similar to this, as well. If your elderly loved one wants to bond with others over similar interests, this is a great way for them to do that.
Now you know more about how social media accounts can benefit the elderly. With this information, you can go talk to your elderly loved one about getting them social media accounts. It might be best to just sign them up for one platform first. Once they get used to using that account, if they want, they can dive into other social media platforms.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elderly Care in Manassas, VA please contact the caring staff at Thrive Health Care Services today. (703) 992-0484