Signs Your Senior Parent Could Benefit From Home Health Care

Home Health Care Centerville VA
There are a lot of things that seniors can use to improve the quality of their lives and help them live independently. Crucial services that seniors need are available at home, which makes it much easier for seniors to get the things they need without having to stress about transportation or other logistics.
Groceries can be delivered, so can prescriptions, and even health care is available at home now. Home health care allows seniors to get basic medical care at home so that they don’t need to go through the hassle of going to the doctor for routine things.
Struggling To Manage Diabetes
Managing diabetes can be difficult. Seniors who need a lot of medical supervision to help them with testing their blood sugar, doing insulin injections, or changing bandages on wounds caused by diabetes can benefit from home health care because they can get the help they need from a medical professional in the privacy of their own home. A home health care provider can also help seniors with dietary suggestions and other advice based on what they see in the home.
Need Supplemental Oxygen
Seniors who have lung cancer, asthma, or COPD and who use supplemental oxygen often have a very difficult time getting to the doctor’s office. It can be tough for them to get around with a supplemental oxygen tank. If they don’t drive and need to use a rideshare or taxi it can be cumbersome for them to get in and out of vehicles with the tank.
A home health care provider can come to your senior parent’s home to check their lungs, check their oxygen levels, make sure the tank is functioning properly, and answer any questions or concerns that they have. Your senior parent can get the care they need without having to leave their favorite chair.
Trying To Manage Their Weight
Weight management can be tough and it can be very embarrassing for seniors to have to go all the way to the doctor’s office to do a public weigh in and have the doctor talk to them about their weight. Your senior parent can take a more private and pro-active approach with home health care.
A medical professional can weigh your senior parent and help them chart their weight loss progress and goals. They can also go through the cupboard and pantry with your senior parent and give them advice on diet and what foods they should be eating.
Managing Any Type Of Chronic Condition
Seniors who are managing any type of chronic condition that makes it difficult or unpleasant for them to go to the doctor’s office for routine care can benefit from home health care. Once your senior parent experiences the quality care they can get at home they won’t want the hassle of going to the doctor’s office.