Stay Safe While Walking Together This Winter
Walking is a beneficial form of exercise that’s not too stressful on the joints. It also gets you outside where the sun and fresh air can improve your mood and give you a quick boost of vitamin D. In the winter, walking is a little riskier if sidewalks or driveways haven’t been cleared. Ice and packed snow create slippery surfaces that can lead to slips and falls.
How do you stay safe when you’re walking together in the winter? How do you make sure your parents don’t fall or get too cold?
Dress in Layers

Home Care Annandale, VA: Winter Walking Safety
Dress in layers for warmth. If your parents get too warm, they can unzip a jacket. The layers should end with a winter jacket that has a waterproof shell. Boots, a scarf, gloves/mittens, and warm socks are also important. A hat that covers the ears will keep heat from escaping the head. On really cold days, heat packs slipped into the boots and gloves help keep hands and feet warm.
Keep Outside Surfaces Cleared
Your parents’ yard should be cleared of snow after any storm or when it melts and freezes. Put de-icer down on surfaces like sidewalks and stairs. Make sure it’s a pet-friendly de-icer if your mom and dad have a dog or outdoor cat. Sand or unscented clay cat litter are good on a dirt driveway if traction is needed there.
Bring a Phone
Bring a phone when you go for a walk. If someone does slip, you’ll be able to call for an ambulance if the fall is that bad that there’s a possible bone fracture or head injury. A phone is also good for your parents in case they get lost. You can track their location using GPS.
Buy Strap-On Traction for Their Shoes
Don’t let your parents go for winter walks within first putting on strap-on ice grippers like Stabilicers or Yaktrax. The spikes on these ice grippers provide traction when you’re on ice or packed snow. It doesn’t cost a lot to get these anti-slip devices. Many online retailers have them for under $50.
Is it time to hire home care aides to help your parents when you can’t? With home care services, you can have caregivers stop by and see how your parents are doing. They can help your parents with housework and meals. Best of all, you’ll feel safe knowing that a home care aide is with your parents when they go for their daily walks.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care in Annandale, VA please contact the caring staff at Thrive Health Care Services today. (703) 992-0484