What Does Your Senior Still Believe about Elder Care?

Elder Care Fairfax, VA: Elder Care and Seniors

If your elderly family member is avoiding talking about having extra help from elder care providers, she might still believe some statements about having help. Sifting through those beliefs and getting to the reality of what this type of assistance can do for your senior might help her to be more open to the idea…

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How Can Elder Care Alleviate Your Senior’s Stress?

So many daily care tasks require a great deal of energy, which can even increase the time it takes for your senior to handle simple tasks she used to do quite quickly. All of this can add stress to your elderly family member’s life, and that can cause health issues. Bringing in elder care providers…

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Best Diets to Help Your Elderly Loved One Improve Their Heart Health

Elder Care Fairfax, VA: Best Diets for Your Seniors

It is important to incorporate a heart-healthy diet into your elderly loved one’s eating schedule. Experts all over the country recommend a heart-healthy diet for a number of reasons. This type of diet can help a person manage their blood pressure, reduce the chances of someone experiencing a heart attack, and improve overall health. Learn…

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