Home Care Providers Can Help People with Cancer

Home Health Care Arlington, VA: Seniors and Cancer

If your elderly loved one has cancer, it might feel like everything is changing and it could be. You may have things you used to spend most of your time on that don’t seem important right now. It may seem that everything is falling apart. If you are feeling overwhelmed, scared, or confused, there are…

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Tips for Arranging Home Health Care in an Emergency

Any emergency with an aging parent is stressful. It’s hard not to feel the pressure as you worry about the outcome of this event. Whether your mom has a stroke that requires a long recovery or she’s fell and broke her hip, you need to take time to arrange the care services she needs. Home…

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Three Ways for Home Health Care to Help After Eye Surgery

Your dad may need eye surgery if he suffers from cataracts, a retinal detachment, or other eye issues that occur with aging. If his eyelids are sagging and affecting his vision, he may need to have the skin on the eyelids pulled up in a surgical procedure. If he has to undergo eye surgery, talk…

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Traumatic Brain Injuries: A Caregiver’s Guide

Home Health Care Arlington, VA: Brain Injuries

Brain Injury Awareness Month is recognized in March. So this is a good time to reflect on why brain injuries occur and how to manage them. Falls that involve hitting one’s head are the most common reason that older people develop traumatic brain injury. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there was a…

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