The Benefits of 24-Hour Home Care for Seniors

24-Hour Home Care Falls Church VA
Seniors can live independently as they get older, and many are choosing to do that. As they age, needing help with things like housework, cooking meals, laundry, medication management, and other tasks there is help available for them. When people think about home care for seniors, they often think about daytime help. But 24-hour home care is available to those aging in place and can be a big help to seniors and their families. If a senior has family members who can help them out during the day, 24-hour home care can provide the support they need at night when their family members can’t be with them.
Preventing Falls
Having a care provider with your senior parent overnight makes it much less likely that your senior parent will experience an overnight fall. It’s very common for seniors to fall when they are half asleep, like when they get up to use the bathroom at night or are getting up in the morning. If seniors have a care provider with them all night long that is awake and doing tasks they can help seniors get safely to the bathroom and back and help them move around in the morning when they are still a bit groggy.
Added Security
Unfortunately there are criminals out there who target seniors because they think they’re much easier to steal from. Having someone else in the house overnight acts as a deterrent and helps keeps seniors safe. It’s less likely that criminals will attempt to break into a senior’s home if there is someone in the house that is awake all night. Seniors that also have a good security system that includes cameras alongside 24-hour home care are very secure and safe living independently at home.
Peace of Mind
A home care provider being in the house with seniors overnight gives both seniors and their family members peace of mind. Your senior parent will be able to relax and sleep much better when they have the comfort of knowing they’re not alone. Plus, you won’t worry so much about your senior one falling, getting sick, or having some other emergency in the middle of the night. Especially when someone you trust is keeping an eye on them overnight.
Immediate Help
One of the biggest benefits of overnight care for seniors that comes with 24 hour home care is that seniors can get immediate help if they need it. If your senior parent has a stroke, or a heart attack, or if they fall and break a bone or are seriously injured the caregiver can call for emergency services and make sure that your senior parent goes to the right emergency room. They can even go with your senior parent to help keep them safe and reassure them until you can get there.