The Most Common Cancers In Seniors And How To Prevent Them

Seniors have a high risk for developing cancer. September is designated for awareness of several different cancers, including thyroid, ovarian, prostate and uterine cancers. This month is a fantastic time for seniors and their families to learn more about the types of cancers that affect seniors the most. Even though there is nothing that will totally prevent cancer by making simple lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking, seniors can help lower their risk of contracting these common cancers:

Breast Cancer

Senior Home Care Arlington, VA: Common Cancers

Senior Home Care Arlington, VA: Common Cancers

Almost 300,000 women were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 alone, and many of those women were over 65. Breast cancer is treatable in many cases, especially if it’s detected early. Getting cancer screenings at least once a year can help detect breast cancer early. But senior women should also be aware of any changes in their breast tissue, growths, lumps, or thick or darkened skin. A senior home care provider that helps your senior loved one with personal care is a great resource for helping seniors find cancer symptoms. Because that senior home care provider works with your senior parent on a regular basis they will notice if there are any changes that are a cause for concern. 

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect senior men. However, 98% of men who had a prostate cancer diagnosis early survived for at least five years. That’s why it’s so important for senior men to get screened for prostate cancer regularly. It’s recommended that men maintain a healthy weight and eat a low-fat diet that’s based on vegetables and fruits in order to lower the risk of developing prostate cancer. Being obese is one of the primary risks for developing prostate cancer. If your senior loved one is overweight or obese a senior home care provider can help them start eating a healthier diet and getting the exercise they need to get down to a healthy weight. 

Colon Cancer

Colonoscopies are not pleasant, but getting them on a regular basis can help seniors get an early diagnosis of colon cancer so that they can get treated. More than half of the colon cancer diagnosed every year is diagnosed in people who are over the age of 67. The survival rate for colon cancer is about 67% but the odds of survival increase the earlier the cancer is detected. Seniors who want to lower their risk of developing colon cancer should quit smoking and focus on their diet and weight control. Just like prostate cancer, being overweight and eating a poor diet can increase the chances of developing colon cancer.  

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is often deadly for seniors. More than half of the people who are diagnosed with lung cancer are seniors who are 70 or older. With a survival rate of just 21% seniors should be doing everything possible to lower their risk of developing lung cancer. The number one thing that seniors can do to avoid lung cancer is quit smoking. If your senior loved one still smokes, encourage them to quit right away. Every day that they don’t smoke is lowering their risk of developing lung cancer. Even if they have smoked for decades it’s still worth it to quit right now. 

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Home Care in Arlington, VA please contact the caring staff at Thrive Health Care Services today. (703) 992-0484
