Why Consider In-home Diabetes Care?
Getting a diagnosis of diabetes can really throw your senior for a loop. There may be a great many changes she’s facing, but where should she start? Diabetes education is crucial, because it helps to separate the myths from the truth and enables your senior to make the right choices for her health. The good news is that there are diabetes health educators that can come to your senior’s home and assist her with all aspects of diabetes management.
Home Health Care Providers Answer Questions about Diabetes

Home Health Care in Falls Church, VA: Seniors and Diabetes
There can be so much about diabetes that is scary or confusing for your senior, especially if she’s never had blood sugar issues before now. Having someone there to offer her answers to her questions and to educate her about what she’s experiencing is so helpful. It’s also a lot easier for your senior to understand why she’s making some of the changes to her life that she’s making.
Your Senior Is More Comfortable at Home
Few people love going into doctor’s offices or other healthcare facilities in order to treat medical issues. If it’s possible to do that at home with someone who knows how to help your senior, that’s infinitely better for her quality of life overall. Being at home is far more restful and comfortable, which can help her to more quickly get her blood sugar under control.
Her Care Is More Personalized
Working one-on-one with in-home diabetes care professionals ensures that your senior is getting the personalized care and attention that she needs in order to manage her diabetes. As her health changes and as she responds to changes in her diet and her movement routines, that might mean that she needs changes elsewhere. Having personalized care ensures that those needs are recognized quickly.
She Has a Care Team
When your senior does need changes to things like medications because her care plan is working, she’s got a team. She isn’t just seeing her doctor once every couple of months. Her home health care providers are able to relay information to her doctor and keep up with necessary changes to medication and other health requirements much more quickly.
Diabetes management is much easier with help, and your senior needs someone who knows exactly how to help her. When she doesn’t have to worry about going elsewhere to get that assistance, it’s much easier to focus on making the changes that will truly help her.